Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Operation Baby Watch: Dirty Diapers and Lavender

I swear, navigating Babies R Us is like navigating the rings of Hell. What makes me uncomfortable is that I am able to navigate it pretty nicely.

That place smells like dirty diapers and lavender, which is what my house will start to smell like in less than a month.

Today was project day. Through the entire month on July, I was working 6 day weeks, with the exception of my quick getaway with the family to Louisville, KY to visit the family. It was tiring and exhausting, and left very little time to work on the baby's room.

Well, last week we finally made progress. You know like the time you started to listen to Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon and with The Wizard of Oz to see if the lyrics matched the movie. You know it isn't going to work, but you are too stoned to really care. Too far out there? I digress.

But the room is painted. Crib is assembled, which was a complete pain in the ass. The mattress was sheeted, the window was curtained, and the glider chair; well, that was placed in the corner and made to look cozy. The only thing left to do was paint the dresser. Oh joy!

Painting to me, is like what child birth is to women. Messy and painful. I mean at the end of child birth, at least you get a prize. After the dresser was painted I had a sore back and had paint everywhere. There is no happy ending in painting. Even famous artists like DaVinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, and Donatello didn't really get their greatest recognition until 1984 when Mirage Studios created the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

The room is coming along nicely, despite the lack of painting enthusiasm. Just another few weeks and there will be something other than the cats living in the room and sleeping on the custom made sheets, quilts, and pillows made by my mom. Wifey's mom also made a crib set, but she is still putting those finishing touches on it.

What wifey also doesn't know is that I secretly snapped a photo of her belly when Dave Ritz was over for the latest podcast. And for those of you who commented, you can get Dave's music at his website, which I so conveniently linked for you.
Now before you get all mad. She knows I have this photo, and he gave me permission [sort of] to use it. The loop hole I found was, once we find out digital camera [it was lost] I could post a photo of her belly. Well this was the best I could get.

Her latest doctor's appointment was today. There is an ultra sound scheduled for next week. Wifey has measured a little large, so they are gonna get an approximate weight of the baby and size. If baby continues at this pace, we could have a 10 pounder on our hands. That freaks her out a little more. And by a little, I mean she belabored this point all day today while we were out navigating the circles of hell.


Anonymous said...

haha. This post is funny! Which is good, lol. Best of luck to you in the coming weeks, it will be stressfull!

koipsu said...

A wise man once said, "A father concieves a child. A good father cares for a child. The best father navigates Babies 'R Us for a child". Lol i was an ounce short of ten pounds. have a good time in the delivery room ;)

Michael Reardon said...

During the complete and total chaos that is childbirth, always remember that hell you experience is actually a great miracle


Cigars all around.

rxBambi said...

I feel your pain! Seriously, used to work in a baby store, although not the hell that is Babies R us. As for child weight, #1 was 6.6lb and pretty darn painful. #2 was 7.6 and thought I was gonna die. All I have to say is you better love wifey forever...

~DokterKenny said...

First born..was 10lbs 3 oz delivered naturally...I didnt think it was possible

Anonymous said...

You have a great sense of humor :) Good luck with the new baby and the new babies room! I just had a little girl, they are tons of work but tons of fun too.

kris said...

Surely you jest at cat hairs being upon your child's linen...i know, i know...don't call you shirley!

Your wife is so lovely!

Shawnee's Girl said...

Ugh! I feel her pain! (except I was lucky, my little man wasn't that big) I will have my fingers crossed for a fast and easy delivery. It is a nice picture of her.

KellyMellyBoBellyBananaFanna said...

i just started reading your blog recently, and i love this post. you remind me so much of my husband!

by the way, i was a 10 pound baby, and i now weigh about 105 pounds at 30. go figure. my poor mother gave natural childbirth with no drugs. (i will not be following suit when i have kids!)

anyway, cute post!

p.s. i'm doing a free giveaway (above) on my blog if you want to let your readers know.

Michael Lockridge said...

You seem to be enjoying the parenting experience. Excellent! I have found the only pleasure in my life greater than being a parent is being a grandparent.

Your blog will build memories that you and your family can share for a long time. Keep at it!


Italo said...

ahahahahah Adam, compliments! Say hello to your wife! :D Italo.

Anonymous said...

"Even famous artists like DaVinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, and Donatello didn't really get their greatest recognition until 1984 when Mirage Studios created the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles."


Cara Smith said...

I know painting can really suck. The last dresser I painted I had really high hopes for, then the kids took over and I have a pink, purple, blue swirled and handprinted thing in my dining room (no room in my sons room when he got a race car bed). It will all be worth it though, you are going to find a new kind of love you never thought possible. Congrats!

AAWG said...

But the Pink Floyd/Oz thing DOES work! No, really. You get to the MGM lion and remember "roar, roar, START." It goes right up until the beginning of Munchkin Land, then sort of unravels.

... So maybe I was 18 at the time and had a few beers... I swear it worked.

TheBedBug said...

Oh, hilarious. You're excited about all this - admit it!