Tuesday, August 4, 2009


So this blog of note thing is pretty hilarious, I'm not going to lie. My statcounter has gone off the charts, and all of you have left some pretty awesome comments. Last night I sat at home, giggling. I was reading comments from all over the world. Today at work I stumbled across an e-mail with an attachment. I opened the e-mail on my Blackberry and read the note.

It went something like, blah blah blah blah, your wife is pregnant, I bet you haven't had sex in a while, here is a photo to jerk off to.


Are you kidding me?

So I opened the attachment and there was a fairly attractive woman, butt naked, diddling herself. It was truly mind boggling.

Does this woman's Dad know she is e-mailing random people? Scratch that. Does her HUSBAND know she's doing that? Does she have a husband? I would have thought that it was just a random photo that someone may have taken off the net, but she took it right by her computer. I could actually see my blog in the background.

Who does that? This girl apparently. I mean, I have read some pretty x-rated blogs, but never have I ever gotten a random nude photo. I mean when I was in my early 20's I would have killed to have chicks send me random nude photos. But now that I am happily married, with a child on the way, I don't need random nude photos. Thanks, but no thanks.

No before you ask me to send you this photo, I have to finish my story. I deleted it, because I accidentally opened it at work, so I had to get rid of it pronto, because although my blog is cool, it doesn't pay the bills, so keeping my job is of the utmost importance. I wish I still had her e-mail. I would have totally forwarded it to my single friends. Maybe it was my piece of ass line in yesterday's blog?

In the meantime, stay classy San Diego!


Fat&Mad said...

First of all that is a great story. You have a pretty successful blog. I was hoping you could help me.I just started one myself. How did u promote yours so well? Mine is not as involved as yours. I am just a smart ass who likes to say stupid stuff. I would appreciate any advice you can share. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

To his crazy readers: You can always send those to this recent blog of note! ;) Of course, it is illegal because I am underaged, and I will report you, merely for kicks, and something new to blog about.

rxBambi said...

Found you thru Jules.Pod cast was funny funny stuff! I can't believe she put you on hold! haha.
Congrats on the BON, that's awesome!

ps- it was NOT me that sent the picture ;)

angelchocolate3 said...

Hi i just want someone to come to my website just click on the orange member u r so hilarious

Chapter Two said...
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gooddell said...
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Dana said...

I can't believe people actually do that. Nude pictures- ugh. Disgusted on so many levels that I can see why you humorously shrugged it off the best you could. Nicely worded. Your entry is very book-like to me.

Anonymous said...

Wow. That is...insane lol.

But hey, at least you know you now have a loyal fan-base. You know you're doing something write when girls start getting naked for you.



Tamara Dawn said...

Gee sorry you didn't like my picture...ROFLMAO Just a JOKE that was so not me! People are crazy! Really, you can't make this stuff up! Wowzers. I didn't get any guys sending me nekkid pics (and I am COOL with that!) I got one Anon guy that left me 56 comments about some stupid online casino site. I had to manually go through and delete all those comments. It sucked. Then I turned on my moderator. Looks like you had to do the same thing! Ahhh the price of fame, I suppose. It's so tough *eye roll* ok not really I am so freakin' happy about being a blog of note, who cares about moderating some comments? Ok so it's way past my bedtime and I am talking nonsense. I'm addicted to my own blog now, lol! I'm sure you understand what I mean!

Michael Reardon said...


That is hysterical.

Imagine what your younger self would say to you now if he knew you deleted the photo right away!

Pen or the Sword said...



Lost in Translation said...


Came across your blog through Blogs of Note (D'uh) .. You know what .. not undeserving at all... Love the style, ur humorous witty and a pleasure to read, absolutely loving it :)

Dandy said...

What the ?

That is too weird. But not totally surprising.

Anonymous said...

The unexpected joys of blogging!

jali blog said...

cool man, nice blog

Romance Parties By Danielle said...

Funny! Love the blog!

Danielle Cotton

Jana said...

congrats on blog of note! Fun to read your last few posts...except the naked chick grossed me out a bit.haha

koipsu said...

If people are sending you nude photos, i think you might be doing something right. Popularity attracts stupidity apperently on the internet, so stay sharp!

Unknown said...

You're like a rock star!!! That nude picture thing is pricelessly funny. just don't be forgetting us little people OK?

Terry Kalambalikis said...

Nude photos eh? I cant say Ive had that happen randomly in an email. I probably would not have trusted the attachment though.


Nicky Reynolds said...

Ha ha! I'm glad I have come across your blog. I'll be coming back. :)

P.S. Ohio - woot! OH...

kris said...

Hee! Hee!

Photos of privates are unclassy! Yeah, yeah...i know that i have a relativlely nekkie photo on my profile; however, i would most assuredly never send photos of my most private parts...it's tactless and gross!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your piece of ass line won me over as a reader...not as a participater...and...

You need to let the room dry out and remove ALL cat hair before placing this priceless life into it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you tell i speak in exclamation points, as well?!

Kisses upon your lovely wife and her beautiful tummy,


Elena said...

Yea! Cleveland is representing!

KellyMellyBoBellyBananaFanna said...

are you serious?! toooo funny.

speaking of opening it up at work, when i started a new job forever ago and i turned on my computer (which faced the ENTIRE office) all of these pop-ups of like, animal farm sex came up. apparently, the gentleman who sat there before had been let go for having too much porn delivered to the office.

i went through a lot of lysol at that desk.


Elliot said...

I wonder if she's feeling embarrased reading this now? Perhaps she will comment?

Note to self: delete nude photo and don't send it :-)

Eddie said...

hahaha that is hilarious! congrats on the blog of note. Enjoy it enjoy it! Its groupies, like that, that inspire most people to become famous :-P

Anonymous coward said...

Have to admit, you handled that well (which isn't saying anything different than what many others have said).

I'm in my early 30's and still would find it awkward if it happened to me.

Keep chucking those bits.

Kschenke said...

I wonder if that's the internet parallel of women throwing their panties to rock stars on stage. At least she didn't give you that photo in public.

Also, "diddling" is a funny word.

bebe said...

lol. I'll have to make sure my son's blog doesn't get any outrageous recognition. I certainly wouldn't want him to get unrequested nudies! Some people!!!