So have you heard of this magazine called Forbes?
Did you know that they have a need to put down Cleveland?
Great. Well guess what? Forbes sucks. No, I am not going to link the story because it will pad Forbes' statistics.
If you are twitter you have seen the hashtag, #happyinCLE. It was started by the Convention and Visitors Bureau to prove that there are plenty of happy people in Cleveland.
I am told that whomever wrote that whole article never even came to Cleveland to check it out. So here is my letter back to Forbes.
Dear Forbes,
I understand from the outside looking in that Cleveland doesn't seem to be as appealing as other cities across this great nation of ours. Sure, the Cleveland Browns haven't won a championship since 1964, the Cleveland Indians blew it in the 9th inning in 1997, and the economy that was once based on the steel mills has all but eroded.
What you don't seem to have a grasp of is that Cleveland is resilient. We look at things a little different than your crap colored glasses. Let's look at some good things that Cleveland has gone for it.
Our food scene has been written up in the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, and Bon Appetite Magazine. Michael Symon has not only opened doors for other Cleveland chefs, but according to Chef/Owner of Rocco Whalen, "He's built bridges and highways." The Cleveland Cavs were your only excpetion, but if that is the only exception you see, then I'll politely tell you to go throw yourself off the nearest skyscraper.
Cleveland is home to the largest theater complex outside of Broadway. Cleveland is committed to becoming the model for a green technology.
More importantly, Cleveland is where I CHOOSE to make my home, and have a family. By telling your dwindling subscribers that Cleveland is miserable, you are telling me I have made a mistake for living here, and that my friend is just a jerk move.
So the next time you want to put Cleveland on a list for not being awesome, maybe you should actually send a reporter here and see how the people in Cleveland get along. Maybe actually doing research would be better than reading wikipedia and throwing out some facts about Cleveland that were relevant 30+ years ago.
Adam, btw, I wish I had a subscription to cancel, but I guess I'm glad I never gave you my money.
For those of you who want to support the Cleveland cause there are 2 great t-shirt companies selling t-shirts basically telling Forbes to eff off.
Fresh Brewed Tees
The C.L.E. Clothing Company
Where did 10 years go?
4 weeks ago
Have you ever thought of going into the PR business? Your last two blogs would indicate you have a talent.
Don't forget another great reason to go to Cleveland.. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the only airport that flew me when it said it would.
Love the passion in your prose, Adam... keep it up!
Don't forget the transition from Steel Mill industry to Medical Mecca! Cleveland has transformed to a medical mecca over the last 2 decades and is reinforced by nods on such TV shows as Grey's Anatomy and soap operas. The building of the Medical Mart will undoubtably bring tons of business to Cleveland through the airport, hotels and downtown restaurants and with any luck today....ME! Interview at 3PM! Keep your fingers crossed. Maybe Forbes will change their mind in the not too distant future. We Clevelanders should be thankful to live in a city where we can receive world class health care!!!
Love it. Forbes is getting a lot of messages. Clevelanders are strong and united. Cleveland's Not Miserable...
Not sure how I ended up here but I have two friends who live in and love Cleveland! I will let them know they are not alone!
Outrageous joy,
Kathy over at Everyday Bliss
I wish I had a sub. to cancel...hahahahaaaa.....
I love how feisty you are! I really wanted to get a group shot of Clevelanders in CLE shirts giving forbes the bird...and then send it to them. I think that would be HILARIOUS. I know, kind of immature, but still FREAKING AWESOME!
Be glad. Be very, very glad. Forbes is doing Cleveland a favor. The article will keep the riff-raff away in droves.
That said, Michael Simon does not do your fair city any favors by showing off Cleveland on the Food Network.
Some magazine did an article on our local area that said how unhappy we are. My response is, "Thank goodness. Now maybe nobody else will move here and want to change things."
I don't know how anyone can put any credence in what's said in a magazine article. It is only one person's observation.
I was in Cleveland once and have only good things to report about the entire experience.
If I ever get invited back, I think I will go.
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