Monday, November 30, 2009

Throwing Quarters Poetry Jam [Guest Post from Vodka Logic]

Today's guest blogger is Laura from Vodka LogicLaura and I have become good good buddies via Twitter.  She decided to bring a spice of poetry to a blog that is sorely lacking that style.  

Not many people know this but I am published twice as a poet.  Once when I was 17 in high school.  Once as an adult in a poetry anthology.  I have a duct tape book filled with poetry.  Maybe one day I will dust it off and give you a taste of the rhymes I can spit.  Until then, enjoy Laura and her word wizardry 



Hello TQ fans. I want to thank Adam for this opportunity to post as a guest on his blog. The poor guy will be so swamped with us unruly Christmas shoppers that he asked for some help on his blog. Here's mine I call it.........

An Ode to Adam

Hello, I’m your guest blogger today,
Adam is busy slaving away.

Working hard to earn a living,
Twelve hours a day to his boss he is giving.

He asked for bloggers to fill in the gaps,
Didn’t want his site to go empty and lapse.

Some blogger girls offered their skills,
Let’s hope his readers don’t run for the hills.

No guys seemed to jump at the chance,
Cowards I’m thinking, the thought made them blanche.

The challenge for me was what topic to write,
An Eden Fantasy review, or would his readers take flight.

I wanted to be funny, charming and witty,
Like Adam can be, hope he likes my ditty.

This poem popped into my head while at work,
In the middle of the night, it did make me smirk.

So the topic it seems is really nothing at all,
Throwing Quarters may not notice while at work at the mall.

I’ll sneak this blog in and hope he won’t see,
Selling phones for Christmas, on sale says the marquee.

Before this gets epic and runs on too long,
I’ll leave you all with this Mommy blogger song.


Vodka Logic said...

The video comes thanks to MaryMac at

DoThat4U said...

VL, you are a star, making guest appearances. how cool!

phooooey. i have no speakers on my computer.

Betty Manousos said...

VL, that was another amazing poem!
thanks for sharing.Keep poems coming!!lady,
hugs hugs

Liz Mays said...

I loved the witty ditty! It was just the thing for a Monday morning!

I loved the mother effin' rap too. lol

Joshua said...

I can't wait to check out that vid at home; alas, work network sucks. Thanks for the link, Laura.


"Julie" said...

love the guest appearance!

Kasey said...

omFg- the suburban mommy rap was beyond funny. props to Sally; and props to Ms VL for finding it!

Masala Chica said...

Well Done VL. I love the Suburban Housewife - but I had not seen the "Weekend Rap."

Working Mommy said...

Very well done...and so catchy!!

~Working Mommy
Come on by, stay for a while and leave a comment or two!!

Working Mommy said...

Very well done...and so catchy!!

~Working Mommy
Come on by, stay for a while and leave a comment or two!!

Unknown said...

Great poem, and how nice to take a small burden off of Adam!

Carol said...

I loved the poem and the rap song. Fun for a Monday night.

Macey said...

OMG. That rap video is freakin' funny!!! She looks so sweet and then she pops off with the mf word! ha!

Stacy Uncorked said...

Great job, VL! Your ditty is so witty! And I hadn't seen that video yet, thanks for sharing! ;)

lerrnst said...

GREAT mommy blogger song!... just explicit lyrics but... great! i really enjoyed it. thanks :-)

marymac said...

Thanks for the shout-out Vodka Logic! Here's the link to my original post about the video- including link to her 2nd video and an interview with the hilarious rapper!

Cathy said...

Such a great poem! I'm enjoying hearing what you've got to say, so witty and fun!

HeartsMakeFamilies said...

I sooo love this poem.